
Course Description

Dialogue & Inquiry for Mindfulness-Based Programs


In Dialogue & Inquiry for Mindfulness-Based Programs trainees are invited to explore--via peer-led practice sessions--a variety of inquiry and dialogue skills, as they are often employed in the MBP classroom. This is unfolded week to week and draws upon didactic considerations from some of the tenets of Buddhist psychology. In this way, trainees receive a grounding in both the types of dialogic methodologies employed in MBP programs and their skillful application.

This program can be taken any time after Foundations, affording trainees an opportunity to practice the specifics of dialogue and inquiry, in a focused way.



Attendance at the weekly, live online sessions is part of the program, and these sessions will not be recorded.

If you have questions about attendance or know you will need to miss a session, please be in touch with the instructor.




This program can be taken any time after Foundations, affording trainees an opportunity to practice the specifics of dialogue and inquiry, in a focused way.

You will be asked to provide details concerning the programs you've taught, whether full MBP courses or introductory programs (a minimum of three intro programs prior to participating in Dialogue and Inquiry are strongly recommended).

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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