
Course Description

Certification Review is the final step in the teacher-training pathway. As such, conferring MBCT Teacher Certification acknowledges a teacher’s dedication, knowledge and skill in teaching MBCT. As a culmination of the formal training components and courses (listed below), as well as one’s personal meditation and retreat experience, the Certification Portfolio represents years of study, mindfulness practice, and teaching.


Submission Materials Checklist for Teacher Certification Review

Completion of all the Certificate in MBCT Teaching courses

Attendance at least four qualifying retreats,

Submission of a full set of teaching films from a single recent cycle: classes 1-8 (Orientation and the all-day session not required).

A written reflective analysis on the submitted class films, which highlights themes, strengths and learning edges that showed up in the course for you (double-spaced, APA format, limited to 2,500 words)

A brief written statement conveying your personal understanding of the ethos and ethics of MBCT. (limited to 250 words)

Submission of collateral class materials: _ Class plans/Home practice sheets/Guided audio practice recordings

List of classes taught (dates, number of participants; venue

CV or resume

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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