
Course Description

The MBCT Teacher Advancement Intensive (MBCT-TAI) offers trainees opportunities to strengthen teaching skills, deepen personal practice, and investigate the nature of recurrent depression, anxiety, challenge, and resilience, in all the ways it arises in a person’s life, within the context of a supportive and thoughtful learning community.

Course Outline

Except for the Opening Session which begins in the evening, 6-9 pm, ET, all sessions run for full days: 7:15 am, ET - 7:00 pm, ET.


SAMPLE Full Day  Schedule 

Opening Practice Session 7:15 am, ET - 8:30 am, ET 

Meal Pause 8:30 am, ET - 9:30 am, ET

AM Learning Session 9:30 am, ET - 12:30 pm, ET

Midday Pause 12:30 pm, ET - 2:30 pm, ET

PM Learning Session 2:30 pm, ET - 7:00 pm, ET  (includes 30-minute tea/walk) 


(NOTE: This is a typical Eastern Time Zone schedule. However, occasionally a training runs that features the Pacific Time Zone, which moves the training later in the day, ending at 9:15 pm ET).                                           


The schedule is full, and also, there is time during meal breaks to walk, rest, or journal, and prepare for the upcoming session. Throughout the training we will encourage you to replenish yourself.


Note: Some evenings may end slightly shorter in order for you to have time to prepare for the next day's activities; this is calculated as needed.


Attendance at the weekly, live online sessions is part of the program, and these sessions will not be recorded.

If you have questions about attendance or know you will need to miss a session, please be in touch with the instructor.




  1. Completion in an MBCT Foundations course. 
  2. Attend a qualifying retreat
  3. Teach three introductory sessions

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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