
Course Description

Certification materials are accepted twice per year: 

Submission deadline June 30
Review completed by September 30

Submission deadline December 31
Review completed by March 30

Please do not register for TCR until you have all your materials ready. Payment is due upon registration.

Also note an early submission does not guarantee an early review. All submission are reviewed after the deadline.


To apply for certification, you need to have taught at least six full cycles of MBSR with a minimum of 8 participants in each class. Classes can be taught in person or online.

The certification review process is modeled after the process created at Bangor and Oxford Universities. 


Submission Materials Checklist for Teacher Certification Review

The TCR process requires at least 6 teaching cycles (online or in person); and a single co-teaching cycle can be included in this total. Certification happens after the individual mentoring program and with the recommendation from the mentor that the teacher is ready to move towards Certification. More details on the process can be found here

Completion of all the courses within the Certificate in MBSR. Follow link if unsure: MBSR Certificate Courses

Attendance at least four qualifying retreats

Submission of a full set of video recording from a single recent cycle: classes 1-8 (Orientation and the all-day session not required)

A written reflective analysis on the submitted class videos, which highlights themes, strengths and learning edges that showed up in the course for you (double-spaced, APA format, limited to 2,500 words) Note: This is a reflective analysis of the entire course, not a class by class analysis

A brief written statement conveying your personal understanding of the ethos and ethics of MBSR. (limited to 250 words)

A copy  of the reflection and assessment documents from individual mentoring (both mentee and mentor)

Submission of collateral class materials: Class plans/Home practice sheets/Guided audio practice recordings

List of classes taught (dates, number of participants, and venue). A minimum of 6 classes with at least 8 participants in each is needed. No more then one of the six classes can be co-taught

CV or resume


**If you have specific questions regarding your eligibility please schedule an advising session with a Mindfulness faculty member:

Schedule an Advising Session

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
MBSR Teacher Certification Review
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s) (USD)
Course Fee $1,313.00 Click here to get more information
Drop Request Deadline
Transfer Request Deadline
Section Notes


Submission deadline December 31
Review completed by March 30

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