
Course Description

10 Sessions (required for Certification): While actively teaching the 8-week MBSR program, the developing MBSR teacher refines teaching skills, attitudes and perspectives with the guidance and support of a senior teacher-mentor via video-conferencing. This dynamic, relational process, founded in mutual respect and care, establishes a safe space for the MBSR teacher to explore teaching challenges, strengths, misunderstandings and breakthroughs. The mentee is invited to investigate curriculum comprehension, relational teaching, approaches to meeting challenges as well as moments of ease and freedom. 

Employing the MBI-TAC rubric as a means to explore learning edges and growth, the mentee is strongly encouraged to film their teaching for the entire cycle of mentoring. The mentee reviews their weekly program films, and chooses short (3-7 minute) clips to share with the mentor during the mentoring session (supportive documentation on all aspects of filming is provided, including consent form language for participants). Mentors strive to view between 4-7 clips of the mentee’s teaching. These may be moments of dialogue, practice, or program transitions. It might be a challenging moment or a moment of skillful clarity.

While the mentee sets intentions for learning at the beginning of the process, much is revealed in the program films. Together, the mentor and mentee investigate and explore what is happening in the program week to week: in the teacher, the group, and the unfolding curriculum. 

Assignments, materials, and suggestions for further study and reflection may be offered by the mentor to support learning.

Individual mentoring culminates in a written bidirectional reflection and assessment process to articulate learning, and provide feedback and recommendations for next steps. 


Please plan to apply for Individual Mentoring 4-6 weeks PRIOR to the Orientation date of the 8-week MBSR you are planning to teach. 

This will provide time to review application, assign a mentor faculty member and schedule meetings. 


This course has been approved for 50 continuing education hours.


  1. Complete the MBSR Curriculum Study Group and Skill-Building Workshop

  2. Teach a minimum of two(2) 8-week MBSR programs

  3. The MBSR Curriculum Study Group and Skill-Building Workshop MUST be taken before a teacher teaches their 4th cycle

  4. The minimum required class size for mentoring is at least 8 participants, and preferably 10 or more.  If you have any questions please reach out to 



*If you have specific questions regarding your eligibility please schedule an advising session with a Mindfulness faculty member.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
MBSR Individual Mentoring
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s) (USD)
Registration Fee $2,009.00 Click here to get more information
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